Welcome to TradeCDB

Our company is committed to achieve its goals consistently through a performance-driven culture built around Ethics, Trust, Fairness and Responsibility. There is no substitute.

About Us

TradeCDB invests for the long term because building successful, resilient businesses can lead to better returns, stronger communities and economic growth that works for everyone.

Providing Financial Security

We serve institutional investors around the world. Our investments are designed to preserve and grow our clients’ capital across market cycles.

Investing Globally

We invest on a global basis across a wide range of asset classes including private equity, real estate, public debt and equity, growth equity, opportunistic, non-investment grade credit, real assets and secondary funds.

We value every customer we come into contact with!

Our Services

Investment Solutions

TradeCDB Investment offers you a choice of tailor-made investment solutions suiting your unique needs, thanks to our Relationship Managers and their team of multi-skilled investment advisors and specialists.

Repurchase Agreement

The sale option of repurchase governed by the British Civil Law can be worldwide extended, so TradeCDB Investement also offers it to you. The seller keep the right to occupy the property and shall pay for it, under an occupacy contract.

Asset Monetarization

Assets that have a verifiable financial value can often be monetized, and TradeCDB Investment is here to assist you.

Real Estate Investment

Our experienced professionals devote themselves on helping you making the better investment decisions, and enhancing the value of your investment worldwide.

Documents & Analysis

We offer world-class legal drafting, analysis, and law office documentation services to our clients across the globe.

Trading platforms

We will teach you how to trade in various international stock markets such as the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange and many others.

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